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Thursday, March 26, 2009

THE SCOOP- by Karissa

2 Much Information
by Karissa

First let me say that my teacher did NOT want me to post this. But I kinda bothered him about it and i"m glad to see that he put it up after all. (After a serious edit, no doubt!)

Now...What's the deal with KELLY CLARKSON?

She's cool. But she recently stated that she pees in the shower.


Uh...yeah. I'm sure that's what your fans are dying to hear about you. They probably want to know what kind of clippers you use to trim your toenails with. And how many times you spit when you brush your teeth. And which finger you use to 'pick a winner."

(Don't mess with me. I can do this all day.)

No offense Kelly, but girlfiend...some stuff is just 2 much information. Chill.

I'm OK with listening to your music without some gross picture of your personal hygiene routine in my head when I close my eyes.

I don't neeed to know how Angelina Jolie feeds her babies.

I don't need to see EVERY ONE of Lil' Wayne's tattoos.

Celebrities should keep some personal things to themselves, if they can.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go watch somethin' on YouTube.


  1. haha, Blender got that info about peeing in the shower from a radio station interview Kelly did, just prior to Blenders interview, and they overheard it because they were in the same room. The radio station was doing a stupid quick question and answer thing with Kelly, and they rapidly fired off 10 questions, and one of the questions was "have you ever peed in the shower" and she just said "yes", "well, everyone has at one time or another, right"? The way Blender wrote it, sounded like she just offered up that information.

  2. Too much information is not a good thing sometimes!

  3. Chuckled through the whole post -- true enough, because although the non-famous like reminders that the famous are in fact human, sometimes we don't need to get that up close and personal. I would love to hear more about the philosophies and politics of celebrities, and less about cream cheese or butter on the morning bagel!
